Natural Gingko

Our mission is to share the power of plants to unlock a world of mental wellbeing. We're building wellness tools shaped for your mind and mood so you can feel in tune with your best self.

Hand holding Rise Nootropic CBD Drops Natural rocks

We want to create a calmer, clearer thinking world with the belief that by addressing the mind, you can transform the body – all in the pursuit of balance.

Imbalance has many guises —  the slow mornings, and the anxiety that clouds your focus, the inability to fall asleep, and the restless nights; the indescribable sensation of not feeling sick, yet not feeling well. In Eastern philosophy, the body has an ideal point of balance for optimal health, we want to help you find your balance and be the best version of yourself.

We believe the key to feeling well is not radical action, but small, consistent rituals that effortlessly uplift your everyday. Our remedies are the gateway to a new path for wellbeing, one which values intuition and the connection between mind and body.

We are an Asian, female-founded company.
Created by a neuroscientist, a doctor and a designer.

As childhood friends, we grew up with traditions in Chinese wellness and shared understanding for the power of holistic medicine. After pursuing different career paths, we reconnected over our personal experiences with burnout, stress and a growing realization of the crucial need to understand our mind + body connection.

This inspired us to create NOON, formed at the intersection of trusted Eastern plant wisdom and neuroscience, with the mission to create bold new wellness tools for the mind. 

✴︎ Jane, Julie and Christine

We are committed to sustainable practices to preserve our planet, its communities and its ecosystems.  

Our packaging was thoughtfully designed for minimal impact. Nootropic Drops boxes are designed for re-usage and are made with 100% recycled paper-board, printed with soy ink, and finished with materials that contain zero toxic chemicals.  Our glass bottles are infinitely recyclable after proper cleaning.